About Us
-Uniting all believers into God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit-About BRG Bible® Ministries
The BRG Bible® (Blue Red and Gold Letter Edition™) is presented to a world readership with the purpose of uniting all believers into God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
FIRST bible to…
“advance the “Red Letter” edition in over 100 years.
maintain Red color of Jesus’ words and add colors of Blue and Gold.
present four color lettering in Blue, Red, Gold and Black lettering.
place the quotable words of God in Blue color.
place the name of the Holy Spirit in Gold color.
give color (BRG) emphasis to the Trinity (God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit).
give color emphasis to Angels speaking (Blue underline).
give color emphasis to other Heavenly Hosts speaking (Blue underline).
give color emphasis to the dialogue of all Divine Beings (Blue Red Gold).
give color to Messianic. Prophecy/Jesus Indicators™ in the O.T (Red underline).
link Red color of MP/Jesus Indicators™ in the O.T. to the N.T.”
In 1899, Dr. Louis Klopsch set about lifting the words of Jesus Christ off the page of the King James Bible. His purpose was to give additional clarity and uderstanding to the everyday reader of Holy Scripture. The color he chose was red and so the “Red Letter Edition” of the Bible came to be by the year 1901. Red, the color of blood, was the right color to choose to highlight the words of Jesus and how much the world has been blessed by this choice will never be known. After a prayerfully anticipated trip to Israel, in early 2010, Scott and Jane Johnson received a clear revelation from God and His Holy Spirit to set about lifting the words of God in the color Blue and the words of the Holy Spirit in the color Gold. Heaven is God’s throne; heaven is in the azure blue. By water God created the heavens and the earth, and water is the color blue. God’s spoken, quotable words should be in Blue. The Holy Spirit has of course inspired all of Scripture and He, as one of the Trinity, should have his name (and all references to His name) in the color Gold. By fire both the Old and New Testaments, both the Old and the New Covenants, have been delivered to mankind. Through the fire of the burning bush and through tongues of fire on the heads of the Apostles, the Creator initiated law to the creature, and by fire will the earth and the heavens, as we know them, be changed from the temporal to the eternal. And so the BRG Bible(Blue Red Gold) Blue has come into existence. We believe just as the Red Letter editions of Bibles has blessed its readers, so to the BRG Bible will bless all of us as we give recognition to the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost (or Holy Spirit).
I John 5.7-8 “For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness on earth.: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three are one.”
The Blue Red Gold Letter Edition of the Holy Bible King James Version The BRG Bible might be called an advancement of the “Red Letter” Bible popular among many for over 100 years. Beginning with the King James Version, the Red Letter Edition lifts the spoken words of Jesus off of the page by printing these words in the color red–the color of his blood. The BRG Bible advances this idea by printing in the color, blue, the spoken, quotable words of God (the Father of Jesus) and printing in the color, gold, the name Holy Ghost (or Holy Spirit), and all references to His name including personal pronouns. Incorporating the color blue and gold with the color red produces the Blue Red and Gold Letter Edition of the Bible or BRG Bible.
2010 Trip to Israel Slide Show
Meet The Team

Scott Johnson
BA Texas Tech University, MEd Boston University, serving as Minister/Pastor for a small church in El Dorado, Ark.

Jane Johnson
Leader in Women’s Bible Study Fellowship, creator of Jane’s Sweet Potato Pancake Mix and Nat’l Historic B&B.

Jason & Jennifer Johnson
Former US Navy Diver, currently V.P. of Human Resource Director and Safety in the Agriculture and Manufacturing Industry, active church and community leader.

Chad & Debbie Johnson
Maintenance Director Paper Mill Industry, founder Fishers of Men, active church leader, Celebrate Recovery leader.
Our Mission
Our Mission Is To Publish Other Holy Bible Versions, And In Other Languages, In Blue Red And Gold Letter In Both Electronic And Printed Formats
The BRG Bible® might be called an advancement of the “Red Letter” Bible popular among many for over 100 years. Beginning with the King James Version, the Red Letter Edition lifts the spoken words of Jesus off of the page by printing these words in the color red–the color of his blood. The BRG Bible® advances this idea by printing in the color, blue, the spoken, quotable words of God (the Father of Jesus) and printing in the color, gold, the name Holy Ghost (or Holy Spirit), and all references to His name including personal pronouns. Incorporating the color blue and gold with the color red produces the Blue Red and Gold Letter Edition of the Bible or BRG Bible®.
The BRG Bible®, using the King James Version, is an illustrative Bible which provides enhanced clarity and understanding of Scripture. Specifically, the reader will gain greater understanding and insight into context and motive because the specific words attributed to the “God-Head” or “Trinity” will be lifted off of the page by the three colors, Blue Red and Gold.
Gold is the color to denote the Holy Spirit. By printing His name in Gold, the reader is drawn into the action being taken by the Spirit. Genesis 1.2 reads– “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” In the BRG, the name “Spirit” will be in the color Gold. In the New Testament, Matt 3.16 reads– “and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him.” In the BRG, the name “Spirit” will be in the color Gold. All Scripture is inspired by the Spirit, but attention to the specific action of the Holy Spirit as He interacts with the human race will be seen and understood in a more poignant way. Gold is the chosen color because Gold represents the color of fire. God used fire in the burning bush to introduce the first covenant to Moses and God used tongues of fire on the heads of the Apostles to usher in the last covenant. Fire is the agent of regeneration for the new birth and fire will be all consuming as our known world is changed for the better into a new heaven and a new earth. As Red is the color of Jesus’ words, Gold should be the color for the name of the Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost).
We pray that readers of the BRG Bible® will be blessed with greater and deeper comprehension of God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We pray that readers of the BRG Bible® in future versions and other languages will be blessed in their reading to come to know Jesus Christ through the knowledge of knowing God and through the recognition of the Holy Spirit.
– BRG Bible® Ministries
American Bible Society
Bible League International
Bible Sociery of Brazil
Bible Sociery of Egypt
Bible Society of India
Bible Society of South Africa
Biblica Inc.
BRG Bible Ministries
Canadian Bible Society
DAVAR Partners Int’l
Deaf Bible
Digital Bible Society (DBS)
Dove Bible
ETEN Alliance
Faith Comes by Hearing (FCBH)
Gideons Int’l Canada
Global Media Outreach
International Mission Board (IMB)
Jesus Film Project
Millennial Apps
Nigeria Bible Translation Trust
Olive Tree
One Hundred Fold
OneHope (Lumo Project)
Pioneer Translators
Renew World Outreach, LLC
Seed Co.
Talking Bibles Int’l
The Pomegranate Library Inc.
The World for the Word (TWFTW)
Trans World Radio (TWR)
United Bible Society
World Bibles.org